Saturday, January 31, 2015

Poems to whisper, Poems to SCREAM (Teen Poetry)

Poems to whisper, Poems to SCREAM 

by Jessica Marsico

These 10 poems are from a collection of poetry written between 1994 and 1999, when I was in high school. Some of them were published in zines (both online and print), some of them have since been published in college writing collections, and some have never seen the light of day.
They were inspired by the dichotomy between being a teen with lots of pain and an already difficult past and living amidst breathtaking apple orchards and rolling hills in the farming community of Marlboro, NY.
Re-use with permission only, please:


I want you
 to (with either skeptical trepidation or full steam ahead)
test these words
for any sense of familiarity
for that welcome home, comfort feeling
and for that realization that you are not

I want you
 to (with neither apathy nor empathy)
take these words
for what they are, or need to be
for devastating melancholy and unrelenting joy
and sink into the soil of affect

I want you
 (in any form you've come)
And offer myself
 (however I may be seen)
Read on, comrades in separation -
Read on
Now Is the Time, As Always

We are hanging on by a thread, us all,
 except the ones who've chosen metal chords
   and guns, and strategies, and revenge…
     and war.

I feel spread in thousands of directions
 but tied down to imaginary stakes
   running so high and so deep…
     denying freedom and the joy it creates.

Thankfully, in the morning time, babies are born
We breathe in and out
The sun rises, birds sing – in some places this remains everything

Eventually the day grows weary,
Shadows lie on orchard hills
Elders die smiling, cats nap on windowsills
 The sun sets and the moon does rise
And stars shine bright and high

But some people have forgotten this,
 the holiness of sunrise and of dew's gentle kiss
   and the truth that this is all that matters
     if matter is important to us
          at all.
Clouds and Foxes

Today the clouds were shifty and loony,
Sneaky and brilliant as a fox
Thin and luminous
 but for the inky, shadowy blending
           right through.
Thick as cotton, moving gently steadily strong
  with the growing wind.
The cold came in today,
 with those devious, cunning clouds
Simultaneously casting shine and shadow
 Along the mountainous valley.


I ride this coast of inability to speak
As if there isn't enough sunshine to brighten my shadows
   I pull away, weepy,
Still unable to express what lies beneath
I need a disappearing act,
Want to steal those years from Pain
   and float them in liquid Love

J'ai voudrais voler, seulement
Want to sleep forever in blissful dreams
Want to float as a leaf down crystal streams
Save me, oh sweet self
   Safe me.

Pleasure's Rise and Fall

August and September were my
pinnacles of pleasure
But as October crept nearer
  she only gave to me
The End.

Summer into Winter

               (then October...
                                    then November...)

and so I welcome Autumn into Winter.
She creeps in stealthily
           unseen, out of sight

spreading her chilly pale fingers over the night

If I sound a bit bitter
  (which I'm rarely known to be)
Please see that to me it's
                   Summer into Winter
not Summer into Autumn, as I wish I could see.

Snow Enlightenment

Something woke me so early this day!                              
A light crept through the glass                                                              
As a mouse creeping through the grass                              
And I pricked my feline ears to sense it                                        
From my second story sleeping
My view was simply branches                                        
Laden heavily with heavenly snow                              
This white – nothing so pure as this white                                    
Nothing else can remind me so vividly                              
         Of being womb-ed

(Another Winter Poem)

I've been feeling rather out of breath
     like an anxiousness still building
        from winters upon winters
                 of introversion
Introspectively, the part that plays
     simply wishes for months' hibernation
         relief from winters upon winters
                 of solitude
Choice is a rather funny word now
     with the glittering snow imprisoning
         like winters upon winters
                of compensation
                  for the grey

Charred blocks of wood, blue-greying and pale
Dripping their essence
To the embers below
Admitting mortality, radiating heat
Moving with a rhythm all their own –
A lesson to us all
Throbbing and beating, pulsatingly delicious
Dripping still
Like tangerine juice down my summertime chin
I admire the wildness, the untameability
Blue Flame, Red Ember

Sunset Driving South

My breath is lost then blissfully found
in the early evening, before the Moon takes over
and the Sun scatters His light across hills
 creates shadows between
the orchards of brown dormancy,
before the sparkle of snows

and in the meantime stains cotton clouds
with berry juice
 wild purples, brilliant reds
A final show before He acquiesces power
  to the Night.

She begins gently, bare black trees against
 most Royal blue
       a stillness stirs
in the way only a Goddess can do
and Stars dance so high!

 Slowly She rises... shape-shifter Moon,
  singing our song
perfectly in tune
And I somehow know
     nothing will ever be the same
As we are partners with Her change.

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